Sunday, 15 March 2015

Sunday instead of Saturday

Even though my shoulder has been very painful, or perhaps because if it, I have managed to get a lot of work done on 'Coast', it being easier to sit at the sewing machine than paint.

I am going, with Rachel, to a mentoring weekend with Hilary Bower this coming weekend, and that has also concentrated my efforts, as otherwise there would be no point in actually going if I am not working on my chosen subject.

I have been working with stitched paper.  A few weeks ago I made a lot monoprints on large sheets of heavy cartridge, which I then worked into with charcoal, pastel and acrylic medium.  I have been experimenting with these, and other papers and fabrics.  I have also included some of my coastal photographs in some work.

three pieces stitched onto canvas

three pieces, various papers, overlapping, stitched to cotton fabric

book signature, mark making outside, stitched collage  inside

more book signatures

book signature showing inside, and possible binding material

book signature showing stitched patchwork inside

another book signature

I had intended to stitch these signatures together, into a book form.  On reflection, I realise that  I want both the outside and inside to show.  I am now thinking of other methods, perhaps simply hanging over a line, or stitched to a narrow tape or cord, dependant upon whether I want them to hang horizontal or vertical.  I could join them together and make an accordion book, but this doesn't feel right.

a double page from my 'Coast' workbook

I have realised this week how important the horizon is in my 'Coast' work.  I have always put stress on the 'edge' where land meets sea, and that is all important, but the horizon is not only infinite and far away, but also the 'above and below' of the two worlds.

I am looking forward to working on these pieces more this week.  I want to explore line, both the ridged horizon line and the wavering line of the tide.

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